Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mommy doesn't wanna get out of bed yet

Does this ring a bell to any of you?? I am so tired from staying up way too late the night before, and my bright-eyed and bushy tailed, singing 4 year old boy is fully awake and alive and he wants mommy out of bed NOW to play and match his level of enthusiasm and "I don't wanna!!" This is such a struggle for me from time to time, being 40 and never having been a morning person, I find it difficult to pop up and be fully engaged at 7ish in the morning, yet this is part of the mommy package I signed up for. And again this morning (again after not enough sleep), Mr. Perky (not the hubby, the kid :-) is hungry because he is eyeing the pumpkin chocolate chip bread I made the night before and how can a girl go back to sleep when her child is hungry?? So I get up, and slowly enter this alert world of a four year old and eventually I come alive (don't do caffeine either btw).

While I truly treasure the passion and enthusiasm of my son, how do I reconcile my morning resistence with his AM insistance?? Going to bed earlier is an obvious shift, but beyond that I think there needs to be an internal shift in my mind that says, "Mornings are great and you have the pleasure of your son's joyous company" or like one of my wise Goddess friends suggested, don't pop out of bed in the AM, instead spend a few extra moments in bed visualizing your day and how you want it to play out or meditate briefly so you start your day calm and centered. And I have tried this now and again and it does help--maybe I need to commit to this process of having a few moments of transition every morning before I burst into the day and this might be just the shift I (many of us) am looking for.

But truth be told, I am forever a nightowl and still love my late nights and sleep late mornings every now and again :-)

Until next time,
Romy, Goddess of Trying to Ease Into and Embrace her Mornings

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